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Hindi Devanagiri - हिंदी देवनागरी - Standard layout

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:13 pm
by Optilon
This is the standard Hindi Devanagiri layout (also called inscript layout):
1280px-KB_Devanagari_InScript_text_1.svg.png (111.34 KiB) Viewed 19343 times

The Government of India has drafted an expanded inscript . The design policy of this standard is to create a new key-map while retaining most of the features of the current Inscript key-map so that new characters proposed in Unicode 5.2 can also be positioned on the keyboard. Apart from this, there should be a system for incorporating the future changes.

Re: Hindi Devanagiri - Standard layout

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:20 pm
by Optilon
Sorry for asking so many questions. Thank you very much for sharing all your knowledge with me so far.
On the wikipedia site for the devanagiri standard layout, and extended devanagiri layout by the government is mentioned. Is it already available somewhere?इनस्क्रिप ... ्क्रिप्ट२)
Thanks! :D

Re: Hindi Devanagiri - Standard layout

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 8:43 pm
by hurrdudd
Optilon wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:20 pm @hurrdudd
Sorry for asking so many questions. Thank you very much for sharing all your knowledge with me so far.
On the wikipedia site for the devanagiri standard layout, and extended devanagiri layout by the government is mentioned. Is it already available somewhere?इनस्क्रिप ... ्क्रिप्ट२)
Thanks! :D
Sorry I don't know about this.