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OptLat - Optimization of 8 languages with standard latin alphabet

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:16 am
by Optilon
Before the idea of creating Optin came up, I had made some optimizations with eight languages that use the Latin alphabet as standard and otherwise have no other predominant national alphabet. The result is quite impressive:
The languages taken into account are: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Turkish, Vietnamese and Italian.
OptLat4 is more balanced, OptLat had "Fingerbelastung" all 0.
All.png (142.15 KiB) Viewed 40493 times
English.png (143.91 KiB) Viewed 40493 times
Spanish.png (145.76 KiB) Viewed 40493 times
Portuguese.png (144.21 KiB) Viewed 40493 times
French.png (145.89 KiB) Viewed 40493 times
German.png (146.63 KiB) Viewed 40493 times
Turkish.png (144.1 KiB) Viewed 40493 times
Vietnamese.png (143.83 KiB) Viewed 40493 times
Italian.png (143.07 KiB) Viewed 40493 times

Code: Select all

./opt -G 10 -2 italian2020.txt -G 11 -2 vietnamesetelex2020.txt -G 11 -2 turkish2020.txt -G 13 -2 german2020.txt -G 16 -2 french2020.txt -G 19 -2 portuguese2020.txt -G 28 -2 spanish2020.txt -G 35 -2 english2020.txt -i 20000 -K optin.cfg -k
Standard settings of AdnW-optimizer with following changes:

Code: Select all

# Festlegung der Aufwände/Definition of efforts

# Unnormierte Zielhäufigkeiten für die Anschläge pro Finger/unnormalised target
# frequencies for the key strokes par finger.
# links kleiner Finger->Daumen       rechts Daumen->kleiner Finger
Zielhäufigkeit    5  9 12 18 1       1 18 12  9  5

# Gewichte pro Finger, die mit dem Quadrat der Zielhäufigkeitsüberschreitung
# multipliziert werden.  Weights per finger/which will be multiplied with the
# square of the excess of the target frequencies.
Fingerbelastung  20 18 16 14 12		12 14 16 18 20


# Aufwand für die Eingabe eines in der Belegung nicht vorhandenen Zeichens.
# Effort for entering a symbol that is not included in the layout.
Fehlt 0
Keyboard effort chart for this optimization:

Re: OptLat - Optimization of 8 languages with standard latin alphabet

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 1:12 pm
by Optilon
I uploaded the configuration files that I used for the optimization so that the optimization can be reproduced later:
Link: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=20

Code: Select all

./opt -G 10 -2 italian2020.txt -G 11 -2 vietnamesetelex2020.txt -G 11 -2 turkish2020.txt -G 13 -2 german2020.txt -G 16 -2 french2020.txt -G 19 -2 portuguese2020.txt -G 28 -2 spanish2020.txt -G 35 -2 english2020.txt -i 20000 -K optS1V1.cfg

Code: Select all

./opt -G 10 -2 italian2020.txt -G 11 -2 vietnamesetelex2020.txt -G 11 -2 turkish2020.txt -G 13 -2 german2020.txt -G 16 -2 french2020.txt -G 19 -2 portuguese2020.txt -G 28 -2 spanish2020.txt -G 35 -2 english2020.txt -i 20000 -K optS2V1.cfg

Code: Select all

echo ENGLISH:;./opt -2 english2020.txt -r bsptast.txt -K controlS1V1.cfg;echo SPANISH:;./opt -2 spanish2020.txt -r bsptast.txt -K controlS1V1.cfg;echo PORTUGUESE:;./opt -2 portuguese2020.txt -r bsptast.txt -K controlS1V1.cfg;echo FRENCH:;./opt -2 french2020.txt -r bsptast.txt -K controlS1V1.cfg;echo GERMAN:;./opt -2 german2020.txt -r bsptast.txt -K controlS1V1.cfg;echo TURKISH:;./opt -2 turkish2020.txt -r bsptast.txt -K controlS1V1.cfg;echo VIETNAMESE:;./opt -2 vietnamesetelex2020.txt -r bsptast.txt -K controlS1V1.cfg;echo ITALIAN:;./opt -2 italian2020.txt -r bsptast.txt -K controlS1V1.cfg; echo ALL:;./opt -G 10 -2 italian2020.txt -G 11 -2 vietnamesetelex2020.txt -G 11 -2 turkish2020.txt -G 13 -2 german2020.txt -G 16 -2 french2020.txt -G 19 -2 portuguese2020.txt -G 28 -2 spanish2020.txt -G 35 -2 english2020.txt -r bsptast.txt -g -K controlS1V1.cfg
ALL.png (200.81 KiB) Viewed 40451 times
ENGLISH.png (203.25 KiB) Viewed 40451 times
SPANISH.png (198.78 KiB) Viewed 40451 times
PORTUGUESE.png (202.77 KiB) Viewed 40451 times
FRENCH.png (200.54 KiB) Viewed 40451 times
GERMAN.png (202.33 KiB) Viewed 40451 times
TURKISH.png (203.23 KiB) Viewed 40451 times
VIETNAMESE.png (200.78 KiB) Viewed 40451 times
ITALIAN.png (199.46 KiB) Viewed 40451 times